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Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Sims 3 Store - Vertical Challenge Rock Wall in Adventurous Life! set

Finally, I have gotten this month new items. And in this new blog post, I would like to talk about the Vertical Challenge Rock Wall, though, the items i truly love in this set is the Safari Living Set.

Here's what the item in game description 

Vertical Challenge Rock Wall
An adventurer's journey awaits any tenacious Sim courageous enough to take on the Vertical Challenge Rock Wall! Your endurance and athleticism soar with each vertical inch ascended, and with every climbing competition won, your confidence (and your wallet) will swell! Whether your goal is fitness, climbing supremecy or conquring K2, with the VC Rock Wall the pinnacle of adventure is finally within your grasp!

Immediately after installing the new item, it is time to head into Outdoor activities category to test out this cool new item! I dragged out the vertical wall and placed them back to back in the big park that comes with The Sims 3 Generations.
 There are three levels of difficulty of this rock wall - easy, medium, hard. The wall becomes steeper with each increasing level of difficulty. Sims can use this wall to skill up their level of athleticism and gain some fun too!
Although this rock wall might seem interesting at first time, there are not much interactions available. Personally, I feel that my sims cant live without it and,instead, choose to hit the gym to gain their athletic skill.
LOl, if only sims could die of falling off the wall.....

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