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Friday, May 25, 2012

Final Evaluation

*** Still recovering from my recent happening***
*** Lazy to write a full post***
*** just to show a video and the script ***

Here's the script

Imagine how good it feels to enjoy in fame, doing things you like, what you are doing is earning you a substantial sum of income and you can do it at home! Don’t you feel envious to have such a job? Don’t you want to have a life like this?

            Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. My name is Kang Kar Kee. I am a third Manufacturing Engineering student. I am honoured to be given this precious chance to address such a distinguished audience. I’d like to talk to you today about the advantages of writing a blog. The purpose of this talk is to share with you the benefits you can gain through writing a blog.  I plan to be brief. It should take 9 minutes to finish my talk. I’ve divided my presentation into three parts. Firstly I would like to show you how you can express yourself through a blog. Secondly, who are the famous bloggers and what have they achieved in fame. Lastly, I would also like to tell that writing a blog can improve your writing skills. I know you will be curious to ask and I’d be glad to answer your questions at the end of this presentation. And also don’t forget about the refreshment that has been prepared for you at the end of this talk.

Ladies and gentlemen
One of the main advantages of writing a blog is to share your  thoughts with the world. Anyone of same minded can visit your blogs to comment and reply to your topic. This will encourage the exchange of ideas between authors and visitors of blogs.
Besides that, there are some people who are keen to show their achievements and experience. These people will usually set up blogs that aim to teach people. For example, those who enjoy bakery find sharing their bakery tips with others is rewarding.
Next, there are also many who write to vent their emotions. This becomes their personal online virtual diary and there’s a proof stating that writing can relieve emotions.
In addition, some bloggers enjoy recommending things.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Who are the popular bloggers you know? Have you ever heard of XiaXue? Well, she is the most popular blogger in Singapore and has been recognized as the blogger queen in Asia Pacific region by Nuffnang.  
Before gaining massive popularity, XiaXue was just a teenage girl who used to write her diaries on blog. She  has gained fame by writing many interesting articles and a few controversial posts which managed to capture the public attention.
Being in fame has its perks. XiaXue now always gets discounted or even free products from her sponsors. And in return, she writes advertisement for the products that are sponsored by various companies. Through this mutual relationship, the sponsors get to advertise their products through XiaXue’s popular blog whereas, Xia Xue can enjoy using free products! 
For your information, XiaXue is a housewife now. She is the best living proof that blogging can be a full time job. She earns her income by writing advertisements for her sponsors. Also, she works from home, with flexible working hours and freedom.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Lastly, writing blog can also help improving your writing skills. By constantly updating your blog, you get to learn how to use correct grammar while writing. You will pick up new writing styles and structures once you are better doing it. Moreover, the fascinating articles you write can promote readings amongst your closed ones and this is especially important to Malaysian who averagely read less than 2 books per year! Ladies and gentlemen, please be reminded that writing is a skill. It is a talent comparable to drawing, singing, sculpturing, etc…

So, that completes my presentation. I’ll briefly summarize the main points that I have mentioned. Firstly, a blog serves as a space for people to express themselves. Secondly, popular blogs can earn money and can become a permanent job for some people.  Thirdly, writing blog can also hone our writing skills and at the same time promote reading. As you can see, writing blog is profoundly beneficial. Therefore, I would like to suggest that we start to write blog and make this as our habit. I hope you will find this talk advantageous to you. Thank you for listening. Now, let’s see if any one of you has any doubts of the topic that I have just discussed with you.
Thanks for asking.


So, what are your comments?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Last Lesson With Mrs J

Time passes fleetingly. With a blink of an eye, today is the last lesson with Mrs J.

It is needless to say that Mrs J is our inspiration and idol. Her sedulous effort to train and teach us so that we will become a better presenter has not fallen into deaf ears. We adhere to her advices and teachings intently.

In this last lesson, every student came prepared with their final presentation slides for the evaluation which will be conducted next week by another lecturer. Mrs J wants us to keep and maintain the standard of our language she reckons we ought to have. Hence, Mrs J and my classmates have taken the extra miles to work on our presentation slides before the final presentation day comes.

Of course, our works are not impeccable. Errors like inconsistent sizes of font, use of the non-standardized fonts, spacing, distracting/unprofessional backgrounds, grammar, etc could not escape under Mrs J’s hawk-like eyes. She is always meticulous in our presentation, especially this time, for we will be presenting in front of the other lecturer. She wants us to be professional and competent, to have less (or none at all) grammatical errors in our slides and to enjoy our presentation.

Throughout this course, she has always emphasized on our grammar because she believes that a good command of grammar shows how well a person is truly mastering the English language. Besides that, she also wants us to record our presentations so that we can view and come to palpable realization of the mistakes we have made during our presentation. And this method is known to be efficacious in teaching a person to spot the mistakes he/she does in a talk and hence be able to act on the mistakes accordingly. Like for my previous presentation on the ending of my topic (Katy Perry), I acted stiffly and tensed. I showed no natural hand gestures at all. I could see my hands hanging stiffly in their sockets and my face was taut. I mumbled through my ending with a rocket speed and as a consequence, my speech had come out slurred. I was quite discontented with my performance. However, I am grateful to Mrs J and the student (Soo JS) who has taken the trouble to record our videos because without them, I would never realize I had acted so unnatural that time. Though it is always funny and embarrassing to watch back our own performances, this is the effective way to learn!

Mrs J also wants us to have fun in presentation. Only when we are relishing in presenting, we will stand up and speak out confidently of our topics. Furthermore, when you know how to enjoy in presenting, you will tend to be more humorous, and thus able to captivate the audiences.

Back to this particular day of our last lesson. Mrs J presented with a bright yellow-orange circular patterned dress, matched with a beige scarf which was knotted snugly around her neck. The overall image has imparted an aura of bliss and formidable strength. When she smiled, it was as if I was staring into the bright sun, basking in her merciful warm radiance, washing away the lugubriousness that has been haunting me for these few days. Our class was ended with photo taking session with Mrs J. Though there is always reluctance in parting and separation, we did not leave the class with feelings of poignancy at all. At the end of the class, everyone was seen rushing impatiently to the front of the class to take their pictures with Mrs J. And don’t you think I would miss out this precious chance to have a picture with Mrs J who has inspired me so deeply?

Class photo with Mrs J. Can you spot her out of so many people?

Look at the big cheerful smile she always shows

My coursemates and Mrs J

Chemical Engineering students with Mrs J

Bye Mrs J.

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