I am sure I need my luck lately...
I almost lost my matric card this week and if that happened, I would have to pay RM50 to replace it...But fortunately, it was found by my kmk friend (how coincidence).
Besides the little crisis, this week seemed to go dreary...
I have "cooled down", and my friends start asking me is there any problem with me..I have less gone down to "mamak" with my gang, and they think that I am secluding myself from them...well, i have to say, I do not forget you guys, I miss you guys too...
Today (2/8), I joined PBUM to pay a visit to a local orphanage and old folks home.. This was my very first experience stepping into these places. We visited the old folks home first. I did not do much things in there. I just listened and chatted occasionally with the "grandma" there. When she talked about her poignant experience and cried, I was actually kind of influenced by her. Tears began to brim in my eyes, I did not cry though.
In afternoon, we went to visit orphans. I was flabbergasted to know that the age of the children range from 18months to 21years old! The children thanked us by giving us their heartfelt performances. Haha. I have to be frank on this. I quite enjoyed seeing the girls ( indian + chinese secondary school girls) dancing the Indian Dance...We also celebrated the August children birthday too.
I must say that I enjoyed the visit. I realize how lucky I am with what I have now...
I hope I can share or give more in the future...Love you all!
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