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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Can you believe this? It is over!

Can you believe this?? Finally I have done the orthodontic treatment that lasted 3 years to correct the very misaligned crooked teeth that I have had since small. Though the teeth are now in their better positions, I still have 2 more procedures to go before I can go flashing my FAKE smiles to dazzle all of you. LOL.

I am quite satisfied with the result of the whole treatment. My dentist, Dr Steven Lim is always so meticulous in attending to the problems I have and the most important thing is he is such a gentle man! HAHA...I am not talking about his behaviours, I mean he never make me feel uncomfortable when he is working in my mouth! I dont feel any great pain. I must admit that I have quite a relaxing treatment throughout these 3 years as I dont really experience many complains as seen in other orthodontic patients.

haha...I know I am always being wordy in my blog....ok...I should shut my "hand" up...scroll down for pictures.
(Please be warned that you dont want to see the pictures if you are eating or not ready to see something that might scary you out of your wits)

Here we go

This was how I looked like 3 years back. I cropped away the top part above the nose to hide away my ugly face! I dont want to put you extra stress when you are already so shocked of how horrible my teeth looked like. 

Told you my teeth were really crooked. Not even one tooth was in the correct position. I even have the "vampire" like tooth on the top right of my mouth and it overlapped with other teeth. (see the picture above). Please dont complain about the yellow teeth I have. I am working on them to make them whiter now.

The upper jaw. 
Look how my front teeth grew in a V-shaped position which was caused by the lack of space in my mouth to hold so much teeth inside.
 The lower part. 
Very misaligned too!

::::::::::::::::But that was my past. I am no longer having that crooked teeth in my mouth anymore!::::::::::

 Now I have the confidence to smile in front of my camera!
 Though it may look fake, I am working on it to put on a BEST SMILE.^^
 Don't you think there is so much improvement before and after of my treatment?

Don't You?

1 comment :

Victor said...

smile naturally is the most beautiful thing of every human being. Don't need to seek for the best smile 'position'. Let it comes naturally and hope you enjoy great smile every single second of your life :)

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