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Sunday, May 19, 2013

A casual Night

 Just realize this is my first time to come Publica. How outdated I am!! We dined at Ben's, at their outdoor area where there is a (gazebo?) hosting a jazzy live band. It was a rare opportunity  for me to dine outdoor, because usually my friends would prefer to stay inside the air-conditioned restaurant since it is cooler and smoke-free. Then, the night went on more casual and relaxing when more and more people gathered at the gazebo, swaying rhythmically to the music and as we guzzled down the scrumptious Crab Meat spaghetti and beers.
AH....How intoxicating...

A present I received from a concerned friend. 
Thank you very much! 
Let's keep the good things rolling!
 Then came back to my hostel room to find my SIM card failed at me. How could this happen?? Wei, I just uploaded the dinner picture (please refer to the top most picture) before I left Ben's lerrrrr.....
After rebooting for god-know how many times, finally I am able to unlock my sim again. Hopefully this is not a recurring problem. _/.\_

Good night~

1 comment :

Unknown said...

Wow, then next time I should "buy" love for others so I can get love in return. :)

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