Now that it's over, I am so thrilled that I just want to indulge myself, for the moment, to do things that really matter to me and I enjoy doing.
What are the things I enjoy doing?
Nah...reading blog is one of my favourite pastime. I just read through some famous bloggers blog posts and they have that instant relieving effect, pulling my mouth from ear to ear again...HAHAHA...I love looking at their crisp, vivid pictures, with humorous captions. I love to KEPO about what they do in their life. I enjoy reading!
Back to the ranting...
Throughout the completion of the project (I just passed a checkpoint, and there is still one more checkpoint to go, that is report submission, before the end of this whole project.), I was encumbered with a great scores of challenges. To be able to make it through to this point, had really gotten me out of my many comfort zones.
I dont want to blame anyone here as throwing blames towards others just make myself ugly. And, it was partly my mistake too for not being attentive to it until everything went haywire then I only realized I was in deep shit. I became fidgety when seeing my colleagues made progress in their projects. I complained about the late arrival of materials when they asked how's my project going. I prayed for the dealer to be more responsible and keep to his promise by delivering my order soon.Or in this case "Tomorrow". Everyday after coming back from school, I did some documentation then pray hard again, hoping the order would arrive "tomorrow".
Until it was 2/3 weeks before presentation, I knew I couldnt trust the dealer anymore. I know I couldnt trust him, but I was left with no option to re-order the materials from other dealers as the time left was really limited. And also, the other team members seemed unfazed at the same kind of situation we were in together. I started to doubt myself, was it my problem to be so tense up and affected by the problem? Why people can be so cool, chillax, when all I did was to worry? I was like a cat on hot bricks. Then I tried my best to make things happen. I suggested an alternative, but wasnt given the green light to carry on. Fine...coincidentally that time was in election week. Since I was turned down, I realized I didnt have the power to surpass the authoritative decision and hence it would be very irresponsible of me to stay back KL, in the hope that materials would finally arrive in that weekend. But things were so uncertain. See, again I was stupidly convinced into believing his many "Tomorrows". I made up my mind. I had tried my best. It was time for me to LET GO or else things would certainly drive me nuts in the end. By letting go doesnt mean I give up. I chose to let go of the things for the moment and went home to execute the duty of a responsible citizen.
The home returning wasnt good at the start. I turned away from my family as soon as I was rejected of the idea of having dessert together and I wasnt even come home for 30 minutes that time. I guess the whole dealing with many others people (but things still did not go according to my way) had made me a grumpy person. I drove to Gurney Plaza (I made that decision to go there as it's almost 2 years since I last visited, I did not regret nor lost my way to go there *winks*) to catch a movie, Iron man 3, with a friend. I am thankful that R was there to accompany me and that he could sniff out something fishy was going on with me when I text him and talked to him aggressively (not my usual style) on phone. The moment I drove my way to the shopping mall, I regretted myself for treating my family in lack of respect. I did consider turning back and go home, but, eventually I convinced myself that it would be good for me to stay alone for a while to get myself 'fixed' with some 'shopping therapy' may be? I came home with aches throbbing relentlessly in my head as I skipped my afternoon nap (15 minutes nap in the afternoon will always make me as fresh as a daisy) and most probably because of the exposure to the malicious Malaysia sun rays. I had a good night sleep, then woke up with a "reconciling" breakfast with my Mom and Sis. We are back to the friendly state and I must thank and apologize to them for bearing through my foul temper. Nevertheless, it was one of the best homecoming. I voted. I realized what I did to my family earlier was wrong. Hopefully, I will always be in my conscious mind and never do the same mistake ever again.
Upon the arrival to this KL city again, my order had finally arrived! My team member got to start doing his project first and I was so willing to help. Please bear in mind, in official we are not allowed to team up.(Sorry for me to call him Team member all along, but what should I call him if he is not my team member?) The project is supposedly finished by our own effort. But since we are in the same boat, and I could learn from helping, so I decided to give a hand and hoped that this effort would expedite the completion of my project later on. Then on the day I was promised to do my lab, I was let down again. I was being told "the equipment was unavailable". In retrospect, I would hurl my tantrum towards the people whom had stripped away my time, freedom and given empty promises. In contrast, I burst into tears (for 30 second, lol) when a concerned friend phoned me to ask about how's the thing going. As you can see, I cried for reasons. Imagining you were extremely dehydrated and as you inched closer to the meager yet mystical source of water that could revive you instantly, only then it was taken away by a rogue, how would you feel? How would you react? I was so desperate, but ready to take the last resort that I had reserved for that undesirable desperate moment, with the aim of continuing, to survive and not giving up.
Finally, I presented today (15/5/2013). It wasn't my best presentation I had delivered ever, but given the factor of very limited time I was left with to prepare for it, I am glad that I still hanged on until the last second. I did not louse up the presentation and that's a huge relief for me.
Everything happens for a reason(s). I believe that God is secretly ( this case so openly) trying to test me, keeps pushing me forward, by directing incessant streams of Herculean challenges, unpleasant people and odious things at me. I am so elated for myself that I do not give up throughout this long onerous journey. Conversely to the belief that I would be defeated by these challenges, I manage to stride through them resiliently and they actually ignite the enthusiasm to continue to do better!
I would like to end this post with some happy events happened on me recently.
p.s: Sorry for the grammatical errors made in this post. I will proofread and correct them at a later time. :)
Back to the ranting...
Throughout the completion of the project (I just passed a checkpoint, and there is still one more checkpoint to go, that is report submission, before the end of this whole project.), I was encumbered with a great scores of challenges. To be able to make it through to this point, had really gotten me out of my many comfort zones.
I dont want to blame anyone here as throwing blames towards others just make myself ugly. And, it was partly my mistake too for not being attentive to it until everything went haywire then I only realized I was in deep shit. I became fidgety when seeing my colleagues made progress in their projects. I complained about the late arrival of materials when they asked how's my project going. I prayed for the dealer to be more responsible and keep to his promise by delivering my order soon.Or in this case "Tomorrow". Everyday after coming back from school, I did some documentation then pray hard again, hoping the order would arrive "tomorrow".
Until it was 2/3 weeks before presentation, I knew I couldnt trust the dealer anymore. I know I couldnt trust him, but I was left with no option to re-order the materials from other dealers as the time left was really limited. And also, the other team members seemed unfazed at the same kind of situation we were in together. I started to doubt myself, was it my problem to be so tense up and affected by the problem? Why people can be so cool, chillax, when all I did was to worry? I was like a cat on hot bricks. Then I tried my best to make things happen. I suggested an alternative, but wasnt given the green light to carry on. Fine...coincidentally that time was in election week. Since I was turned down, I realized I didnt have the power to surpass the authoritative decision and hence it would be very irresponsible of me to stay back KL, in the hope that materials would finally arrive in that weekend. But things were so uncertain. See, again I was stupidly convinced into believing his many "Tomorrows". I made up my mind. I had tried my best. It was time for me to LET GO or else things would certainly drive me nuts in the end. By letting go doesnt mean I give up. I chose to let go of the things for the moment and went home to execute the duty of a responsible citizen.
The home returning wasnt good at the start. I turned away from my family as soon as I was rejected of the idea of having dessert together and I wasnt even come home for 30 minutes that time. I guess the whole dealing with many others people (but things still did not go according to my way) had made me a grumpy person. I drove to Gurney Plaza (I made that decision to go there as it's almost 2 years since I last visited, I did not regret nor lost my way to go there *winks*) to catch a movie, Iron man 3, with a friend. I am thankful that R was there to accompany me and that he could sniff out something fishy was going on with me when I text him and talked to him aggressively (not my usual style) on phone. The moment I drove my way to the shopping mall, I regretted myself for treating my family in lack of respect. I did consider turning back and go home, but, eventually I convinced myself that it would be good for me to stay alone for a while to get myself 'fixed' with some 'shopping therapy' may be? I came home with aches throbbing relentlessly in my head as I skipped my afternoon nap (15 minutes nap in the afternoon will always make me as fresh as a daisy) and most probably because of the exposure to the malicious Malaysia sun rays. I had a good night sleep, then woke up with a "reconciling" breakfast with my Mom and Sis. We are back to the friendly state and I must thank and apologize to them for bearing through my foul temper. Nevertheless, it was one of the best homecoming. I voted. I realized what I did to my family earlier was wrong. Hopefully, I will always be in my conscious mind and never do the same mistake ever again.
Upon the arrival to this KL city again, my order had finally arrived! My team member got to start doing his project first and I was so willing to help. Please bear in mind, in official we are not allowed to team up.(Sorry for me to call him Team member all along, but what should I call him if he is not my team member?) The project is supposedly finished by our own effort. But since we are in the same boat, and I could learn from helping, so I decided to give a hand and hoped that this effort would expedite the completion of my project later on. Then on the day I was promised to do my lab, I was let down again. I was being told "the equipment was unavailable". In retrospect, I would hurl my tantrum towards the people whom had stripped away my time, freedom and given empty promises. In contrast, I burst into tears (for 30 second, lol) when a concerned friend phoned me to ask about how's the thing going. As you can see, I cried for reasons. Imagining you were extremely dehydrated and as you inched closer to the meager yet mystical source of water that could revive you instantly, only then it was taken away by a rogue, how would you feel? How would you react? I was so desperate, but ready to take the last resort that I had reserved for that undesirable desperate moment, with the aim of continuing, to survive and not giving up.
Finally, I presented today (15/5/2013). It wasn't my best presentation I had delivered ever, but given the factor of very limited time I was left with to prepare for it, I am glad that I still hanged on until the last second. I did not louse up the presentation and that's a huge relief for me.
Everything happens for a reason(s). I believe that God is secretly ( this case so openly) trying to test me, keeps pushing me forward, by directing incessant streams of Herculean challenges, unpleasant people and odious things at me. I am so elated for myself that I do not give up throughout this long onerous journey. Conversely to the belief that I would be defeated by these challenges, I manage to stride through them resiliently and they actually ignite the enthusiasm to continue to do better!
I would like to end this post with some happy events happened on me recently.
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I am on my 6th book to complete my 2013 resolution to read 12 book this year. Thank you Sophie Kinsella for the good book! |
A treat for myself. Thanks D to bring me to this place. おいしくて、たかくないです! Delicious and affordable! |
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A relaxing night out with D to watch this |
Came back hostel to find a Jar of Loves placed on the table. Thank you my friends for all the best wishes!! |
A song that rings resonantly in my mind in the time I make my way through challenges.
"Can't fall down
stay TRIUMPHANT keep on living
stay on your toes
get off the ropes
don't let them ever count you out...."
p.s: Sorry for the grammatical errors made in this post. I will proofread and correct them at a later time. :)
Thank you and enjoy reading!
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