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Thursday, September 1, 2011


Why every time you guys must steal this pic instead of many other of my pic? Yea, for the first few times, I feel flattered (ok, you can slap me now) because you think that this picture is actually nice enough to let you trick whoever you want to trick. 

But after that, you guys make me to think that "Is this the only picture of me that looks nice?". 

So, future imposter, I don't hope to see you to put this as your profile picture anymore. Please be creative!

LOL..I am not encouraging people to impersonate me. Just to express some thoughts on this issue.

Nah..this is my latest doppleganger:

I tried to report another faker a few months back, but Facebook makes reporting complicated. You now have to leave your phone number to report the issue and they will call you back after that. I did receive their phone call, but the line was sucksss that eventually I gave up reporting.

1 comment :

chen0406 said...

who ask u sooooo handsome n cute..
den ppl try to use ur pic to impersonate u!! ><'''

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