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Friday, July 12, 2013

#AnnoyingTravelBoy 4

Being in Taiwan and live like a Taiwanese!

Zooming past the suburban streets on the small motorbike and my giant head being crammed in the very tiny helmet, along the journey, I found myself deeply mesmerized by the quaint characteristics of this small town in Taichung, which is dotted with crops, and I cringed at the strong wind brushing against my face as my Taiwanese friend accelerated his bike. 
It stirred up a few childhood memories of mine when I was still a small boy who clung on tightly to the waist of my father (or the supporting iron bar below the passenger seat) as we traveled to numerous places close to Mother nature in Malaysia and the uncountable times my father used to send me to the tuition classes with his motorbike.

As I was drowning in my fond memories, soon the suburban road led us to the town centre. We arrived at the local,Taiwanese, typical restaurant and had our mouth-watering yet very cheap steamed dumplings which can only be tasted in the small rural areas of Taiwan.


Views as a motorbike passenger.

10 Steamed dumplings for 30NTD!! I am sure 鼎泰丰 and 龍的傳人in Malaysia would cost me a bomb for the same (or almost identical) food!

PS:My mom will surely freak out if she finds out that I ride a motorcycle in Taiwan...(or anywhere on this Earth)..

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